Gaja-Kesari Yoga is one of the most auspicious yoga in Vedic Hindu astrology. Since two benefices are involved here i.e., Moon & Jupiter, where Moon represents the mind and Jupiter represent divine grace, all astrology classics have given a lot of significance to it.
The GajaKesari is the combination of two Sanskrit words; Gaja and Kesari. The terms ‘Gaja’ means an elephant and the word ‘Kesari’ means lion. So as the name suggests, the yoga gives the native the toughness and vigour like a lion, also majesty and dignity of an elephant. Both are powerful & are the symbol of authority & intelligence/wisdom
From The Scriptures
There is some confusion and contradictions about this yoga in the Scriptures.
According to Parashara Hora Shastra,
कॆंद्रे देवगुरौ लग्नाच्चंद्रद्वा शुभदृगयुते ।
नीचास्तारिगृहैर्हीनॆ यॊगॆयं गजकॆसरि ॥
Gaja Kesari yoga is formed when Jupiter is positioned in a Kendra from the Lagna or from the Moon, and be conjunct or aspected by another benefic and is not debilitated, combust and in inimical sign. The native will be wealthy, intelligent, endowed with virtues, will be a king and splendorous.
According to Jataka Parijata,
कॆंद्रेस्थिते देवगुरौ मृगांकात् योगस्तदाहुर्गजकॆसरीति ।
दृष्टे सितार्यॆंदु सुतै: शशांके नीचास्तहीनैर्गजकॆसरीस्यात् ॥
Gaja Kesari yoga is formed when Jupiter is posited in a Kendra from the Moon. Also, Moon should not be combust and weak and is aspected by the benefic planets Venus and Mercury, not being debilitated the yoga gets strength. The native-born in Gaja Kesari yoga will be energetic, will have much money, and gains, will be meritorious, intelligent and loved by the king.
According to Phala Deepika,
कॆसरीव रिपुवर्गनिहंता प्रौढवाक् सदसि राजसवृत्ति: ।
दीर्घजीव्यतियशा: पटुर्बुद्धिस्तॆजसा जयति कॆसरि यॊगॆ ॥
Kesari yoga is formed when the Jupiter is in a Kendra position to the Moon. The native will destroy his enemies like a lion. He will address the assembly with wisdom, intellectual and noble way. He will be ambitious, passionate and emotional in his behavior. He will be long-lived, intelligent, well reputed and successful in his endeavors.
According to Jataka Desh Marg,
Gaja Kesari yoga cancels and destroys the negative effects of other yoga’s like thousands of elephants are killed by a lion. The native will be very rich, head of his community or head of the village, city or the country and will be very long lived.
In Simple Terms
Gaja-Kesari Yoga is formed when Jupiter (Guru) is placed in a Kendra position (i.e. 1st. 2nd, 3rd or 4th house) with respect to the Moon (Chandra and is best when Conjunction is between 10degree.
Auspicious Gajkesari Yoga is formed when
- Jupiter is in Kendra
- Jupiter not retrograde
- Not aspected by malefic
Following good results will be felt by the natives due to the formation of Gaja Kesari Yoga in their Horoscope.
- Wealthy. Wise Scholar
- Courage. Respected by all.
- A good speaker. Good in debates.
- Noble person. Famous
The Moon quickly moves around our Earth in just below 28 days, the time it takes to spend around 2 and a half days in each zodiac sign if we do some rough calculation, we will find that Moon joins Jupiter for round figure of 2 days, the moon will be present in 4th from Jupiter for round figure of 2 days, it will be present on 7th from Jupiter for 2 days and finally again moon will be present on 10th from Jupiter for same period of time. We can see that 1/3rd or 33% of people are born with Gaja Kesari Yoga. Now not everybody is famous or rather Fame is as per the strength of the yoga depending on many factors and it can be restricted to locality, area, city, state, nation etc. as per the strength of the Yog.
Mahatma Gandhi and his Killer Nathuram Godse both had this yoga both were famous in their own way. One has Eternal Fame and name as Father of the nation and another has Notoriety /negative fame as Killer of Father of Nation So it’s understood that other factors influence, Strengthen, Weaken the auspiciousness/inauspiciousness of this Yoga
Key deciding factors
Formation: The result of the Gaja Kesari yoga are practically unique as per placement and no two placement will give the same result. There are many variations in the results. The result depends on the position and strength of the Key planets Jupiter and Moon. Practically this yog can have 48 variations (12 houses * 4 combinations). So the result will be different for all the 48 Permutation and combinations.
The result of Gaja-Kesari Yoga and various interpretations
The result of the Gaja-Kesari yog depends on PAC Factors .the Placement of Moon and Jupiter in a Natal horoscope Good in good Houses and bad in 6,8,12 Houses.
Conjunction and aspect of other planets on these Planets, shadbala and ashtakavarga strengths etc. Jupiter is very strong in Sagittarius, Pisces, and Cancer, Moon is strong in Cancer and Taurus. So obviously when Gaja Kesari yoga is formed in these houses, the result will be very strong.
Aspect or Association with this formation. When benefic planets and friendly planets aspect them, good results will be enhanced and produce very beneficial results. When malefic and enemy planets associate or aspect either of them, the result of the yoga are reduced. Also, the aspect of dusthana lords i.e., 6th, 8th, and 12th lords may modify the result in a negative way.
When Jupiter is conjoint Moon: Moon and Jupiter may conjunct in any of the houses. The results of this yoga depends on in which house it is placed and position from the lagna. It acquires the characteristics of the house it is placed. But general results are that native will be famous, intelligent, and wealthy, will have good health, dignified etc.
The result of the yoga when present in some of the houses in the native's Horoscope:
In Lagna Bhava: Gaja Kesari yoga in Lagna or Tanu bhava can destroy many other negative yoga’s. The native will have good health, body, with a majestic look. He will be dignified and impressive Appearance
Sukha/matru Bhava: The native will have domestic comfort, very learned, possesses land and vehicles, associated with a king, will have a spiritual bent of mind.
Putra Bhava: The native will be very intelligent, well educated, respected by others, will have prosperous children, philosophical, artistic etc.
Kalatra Bhava: The native will be skilled, wealthy, and good in business and partnerships, will have a beautiful spouse, good understanding with the partner etc.
Dharma Sthana: The native will be fortunate, religious, spiritual, contended, will always try to help others, learned, well educated, scholar, a good advisor.
Karma sthana: The native will have high status, wealthy, luck in the profession, financial prosperity, does good karma, help others, respected by all colleagues, his juniors as well as seniors.
The Trikonas or Trines: There are four sets of trines. They are Dharma trikona (1, 5 and 9 houses): makes the person very famous, respected by all
Artha Trikona (2, 6 and 10 houses): it gives positive results in wealth and profession-related matters
Kama trikona (3, 7 and 11 houses): make passionate and gives sensual pleasures
Moksha trikona (4, 8 and 1 houses): it is favorable for spiritual progress
· In D9 or Navamsha, Moon & Jupiter should not fall in signs which are present in the 6th, 8th & 12th house in the main natal birth chart (D-1). In many cases, it gets abolished if in D/9 chart position of either Jupiter or Moon gets spoiled. It also gets abolished if it gets debilitated in the D/9 chart. Moreover in Navamsha, if Jupiter & Moon are again making Gaja Kesari Yoga then the result will be more effective
· Moon should be at least 4 house away from Sun.
· Jupiter or Moon is in Pushkar Bhaga and navamsha then good results of Gaja Kesari will increase significantly
Last but not the least the Functional lordship of Moon & Jupiter is the key deciding factor: the combination of positive Jupiter with positive Moon may result in the formation of Gaja Kesari Yoga. Apart from the retrograde motion of Jupiter & aspects of malefic, the following factors influence the strength of Gaja Kesari Yoga.
The functional role of planets changes from ascendant to Ascendant & Ascendant changes within two hours, hence on a particular day when Jupiter & Moon are forming Gaja Kesari Yoga, the result of it will change from Native to Native depending upon their Ascendant, in other words, and results will change due to the Functional lordship of Moon & Jupiter. Hence bringing Lagna in it will bring a more dynamic approach to one’s analysis, which is most of the time is not adopted by astrologers while judging Gaja Kesari and any other yoga. The Functional ownership of houses from lagna by both the Jupiter and Moon is very important in determining the Results. Benefic ownership of houses/Bhavas makes the yoga very favorable and malefic ownership of bhavas produce adverse results.
Mesha/Aries lagna: Moon rules over 4th house & Jupiter rules over 9th & 12th house hence Jupiter is a yogakaraka & benefic planet for Aries ascendant. Unafflicted Gaja Kesari Yoga without any counter will give them all good qualities of Gaja Kesari Yoga like Status ,wealth, health, peace, status and a good life for the mother. If afflicted then domestic peace will not be there & mother health can suffer.
Vrishabha/Taurus Ascendant: Moon rules over the 3rd house & Jupiter rules over 8th&11th Not so great Gaja Kesari Yoga formed, even without counters won’t bless them with good effects associated with it. In other situation Gaja Kesari Yoga with affliction over Jupiter and Moon will result in serious problems in their life because affliction over Jupiter & Moon will disturb their house significations, forcing them to give the bad result of inauspicious 3rd, 8th & 11th house.
Mithuna/ Gemini Ascendant: Moon rules over 2nd house & Jupiter rules over 7th & 10 house. Unafflicted Gaja Kesari Yoga will result in good financial gains along with good business opportunities. Though both Jupiter & Moon are maraka here hence it will bring some health issues too.
Karka/ Cancer Ascendant: Moon is ascendant lord itself hence a first-rate benefic for them while Jupiter lordship is over 6th & 9th house. Here if Jupiter is weak, its 6th house qualities will be more pronounced and can result in health problems. Though there will be good effects of it due to Jupiter lordship over 9th house. Here if Gaja Kesari yoga is Unafflicted then it can make them rise very high in their life. If afflicted then it can give shy timid nature, low energy, health issues & debt too.
Simha/ Leo ascendant: Moon is lord of 12th house, hence is not auspicious for them though Jupiter is a benefic planet despite having lordship over 8th house. For them, Unafflicted Gaja Kesari Yoga can give good life in foreign countries & lots of traveling for good causes. If afflicted then it can result in problems to children’s, education & in-laws.
Kanya/ Virgo Lagna: Moon is lord of 11th house hence becomes a planet for financial gains, Jupiter is lord 4th & 7th hence an auspicious planet though same time maraka also. If Unafflicted Gaja Kesari Yoga formed here then the result in good financial gains & happiness to an elder brother, though some health issues will be there. If it is afflicted then problems with the house, domestic happiness, friends & disturbed married life can happen.
Tula/ Libra Lagna: The moon is lord of 10th house & Jupiter is lord of 3rd & 6th house hence Jupiter is most malefic for them. Unaffiliated Gaja Kesari Yoga formed here will result in gain through services, lots of traveling & good position for younger siblings. In afflicted then it can result in loss of reputation, problems from authority, and health issues to native & their mother.
Vrishik/ Scorpio Lagna: Jupiter is equivalent to Yoga karaka whereas Moon is 9th lord and a clean Gaja Kesari Yoga can do wonders for them. All good results mentioned by sages will manifest if both Jupiter and Moon are strong and unafflicted. If afflicted then there can be problems with father and son.
Dhanush / Sagittarius Lagna: Moon is lord of the most Malefic 8th house, which is the most inauspicious house in astrology. Jupiter is ascendant & 4th house lord. Here Unafflicted Gaja Kesari yoga will result in inherited property & sudden financial gain, though some health problems will be there. If afflicted then it will result in severe health issues, lack of domestic peace, loss of property & health problems to mother.
Makar/ Capricorn lagna: Moon rules over the 7th house, while Jupiter rules 3rd & 12th house, hence Jupiter is a malefic planet for Capricorn ascendant Gets debilated there. Unafflicted Gaja Kesari Yoga will result in traveling for good cause, business in foreign countries though natives & spouse health can suffer. If afflicted then it will result in severe marital discord along with problems to younger siblings.
Kumbha / Aquarius lagna: Moon is lord of 6th house and is a malefic planet, while Jupiter being lord of 2nd & 11th house is at Best a Neutral if not Malefic. Unafflicted Gaja Kesari Yoga will result in gains from service & success in competitions. If afflicted it can result in severe health issues, problems in the family, loss in finance & debt.
Meena / Pisces ascendant: Moon is lord of 5th house and is a benefic planet for Pisces. Jupiter being lord of Ascendant & tenth house is a first-rate benefic. Unafflicted Gaja Kesari Yoga will result in Super status, high authority, good status, good finance & all good results associated with Gaja Kesari Yoga. If afflicted it will result in problems to children, overconfidence, problems in job & health issues.
Gaja-kesari yoga comes into being when Jupiter is situated in a kendra (in square-position) from the Moon but according to one school this yoga will arise only when Jupiter and the bright-half Moon are in mutual 10th and 4th position in Pisces, Tauras, .Aquarius and Saggitarius. Yet another text tells us that the Moon and Jupiter in mutual kendras will not give rise to the Gajakesari yoga if either the Moon occupies Scorpio or Mercury happens to be in the 5th house from the Moon or only if the Moon and Jupiter combine in Cancer or in Capricorn even if Jupiter in the latter sign is combust. In such rare instances, experience alone counts.
Finally The results Fructify
At Dasha/Antar dasha of Jupiter and Moon., The Transits are strong triggers for the same.